14 Overused Words/Clichés to Avoid in Your Cover Letter – Infographic
These are buzz-words, general phrases and common descriptions that have been used so many times that they have become boring, basic, generic and uninspiring.
Rather than using these general and overused words, give specifics and details instead. Say exactly what you did, show evidence, results and provide context.
- Hardworking
- Out-of-the-box thinker
- Highly motivated
- Go-to person
- Detail-oriented
- Results-oriented
- Self-motivated
- Team player
- People person
- Go-getter
- Self-starter
- Dynamic
- Fast learner
- Problem-solver
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14 Clichés to Avoid in Your Cover Letter – Infographic
14 Clichés to Avoid in Your Cover Letter – Infographic
Duncan Muguku
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