19 Steps on How to Dream Big – Infographic
1. Definition of a Big Dream
A big dream is a substantial wish or an aspiration for something, of which when we attain it; we believe it would fulfill or satisfy an inner longing or desire.
2. The Dreaming Process
Entails answering four questions: What do you want to achieve? Why do you want to achieve it? When do you want to achieve it? How will you achieve it?
3. Write Down Your Big Dream
Writing your big dream signifies a personal commitment. Be specific regarding what your dream is and why you want to achieve it.
4. Set Goals for Your Big Dream
Develop small goals which feed into your big dream.Set a deadline for achieving the overall dream and mini-deadlines for goals.
5. The Journey to a Dream
Figure out the steps one at a time. Some steps will work and others will not. Retrace your steps over and over until you are on the right path.
6. Illustrate Your Vision to Yourself
Develop a visual portfolio of what your definition of success looks like.Regularly look at images that illustrate the outcome of your big dream.
7. Figure it Out as You Go
The “how” is rarely clear-cut. Big dreams rarely have an instruction manual; you figure it out as you go. Resolve challenges as you encounter them.
8. You Have to Take Action
Without action, big dreams are simply dreams. Get started, break away from fear and start acting on your dreams.
9. The Power of Incrementalism
Each little step you take daily takes you one step closer to the end point. Small actions taken incrementally add up to progress.
10. Practice Big Picture Thinking
The ability to see both the whole and the parts at all times and how they are interrelated and interconnected is critical.
11. Watch How You Speak
Don’t self-sabotage yourself with your words. Which words do you choose when you speak about your big dream? Choose your words carefully – use empowering words.
12. Allow Flexibility
Not all plans go as intended. Allow room for trial and error. Don’t start too big in your execution. Dream big and start small.
13. Hang Around Other Big Dreamers
Build or join a community of big dreamers. Share your big dreams and energize each other. A good support system of like-minded people helps in preserving big dreams.
14. Live a Well Balanced Life
Take good care of yourself and your family relationships. Get adequate rest, have fun in life, eat well and get enough sleep.
15. Criticism Should Increase Your Drive to Succeed
Don’t get distracted by critics, keep your vision strongly alive in your mind and keep moving forward towards the finish line.
16. Overcome Your Fear to Take a Risk
There is risk in pursuing your big dreams. You do not know if your dream will work out or not. Plan as best as you can, gradually build up your risk tolerance by completing one small task at a time.
17. Help Others to Achieve Their Dreams
Other people’s big dreams are just as important as our own dreams. We should always strive to help others to realize their dreams.
18. Reward Yourself After Achieving Your Dream
Take some time to reward yourself after achieving your big dream. Share your story with someone to encourage and inspire others to pursue their big dreams.
19. Do It Again
If you so wish you can plan for yourself another harder and more difficult big dream and repeat the whole process of achieving your dream again and again.
Article Name19 Steps on How to Dream Big - Infographic
Description19 Steps on How to Dream Big – Infographic
Duncan Muguku
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