This infographic shows 20 common cover letter mistakes.
20 Common Cover Letter Mistakes – Infographic
1. Typos, spelling mistakes and grammatical errors.
2. Cover letter refers to the wrong job opening.
3. Cover letter is addressed to the wrong person.
4. Experience and qualifications are included that are not relevant to the job advertisement.
5. Cover letter that is longer than one page.
6. Submitting a cover letter without your resume and vice versa.
7. Cover letter is addressed to the wrong Company.
8. Wrong date.
9. Wrong Company address.
10. Cover letter does not specify which job you are applying for.
11. Misspelling the Company name.
12. Misspelling the hiring manager’s name.
13. Using general words and cliches to describe yourself such as hard worker, go-getter, results-oriented etc.
14. Repeating information that is on your resume.
15. Talking about what you want instead of what you can do for the Company.
16. Lack of quantities, statistics, percentages or numbers to quantify your achievements and results.
17. Sending a generic “one-size-fits-all” cover letter or using a cover letter template.
18. Addressing your cover letter “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.
19. Lying and exaggerating. Making unsubstantiated claims.
20. Including salary requirements unless requested by the employer.
Article Name20 Common Cover Letter Mistakes - Infographic
DescriptionThis Infographic shows 20 Common Cover Letter Mistakes.
Duncan Muguku
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