7 Reasons for Turning Down a Job Promotion – Infographic
1. Not aligned to your career path
The promotion does not align with your projected or desired career path. It is not the right fit.
2. Unable to handle the new responsibilities
Your skills fall short. You do not feel confident about succeeding in the new role.
3. Personal commitments
Timing. Personal plans such as going back to school, family commitments or intending to change jobs soon.
4. Steep learning curve
Requires too much time or effort to get up to speed and perform well in the new position.
5. A history of people failing in the position
Revolving door history. Many people have come and left that position within a short period of time.
6. You like your current job
You simply like your job and are not willing or interested in taking on a promotion.
7. It might require too much of your time
Long hours in the office even weekends, always connected on your phone and email, too many meetings or too much travel.
Article Name7 Reasons for Turning Down a Job Promotion – Infographic
Description7 Reasons for Turning Down a Job Promotion – Infographic
Duncan Muguku
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