Here are 17 fresh inspirational quotes to pick you up, brighten your day and quench your thirst to flourish in life.

In life, all you need is one win at a time, it all adds up over time. ― Duncan Muguku

Passion takes effort; you keep working at something over and over until you become good at it over time. ― Duncan Muguku

A clear vision points you towards what you want to be in life. Knowing your destination will keep you traveling on the right road, even if you go off track you will be able to reset and get back on track. ― Duncan Muguku

A critical ingredient for a strong vision is knowing what you are willing to do to achieve your vision and also knowing what you will not do. Both sides of the coin are equally important in determining how successful you will become. ― Duncan Muguku

A powerful vision translates to passion which gives you great gusto and intensity in the actions that you take. It gives more meaning, enjoyment, pleasure and satisfaction to life. In short it increases your appetite for life. ― Duncan Muguku

Imagining a better brighter future helps to invigorate and inspire you and keeps you motivated even when circumstances are tough. ― Duncan Muguku

Uncertainty is your friend; it keeps you believing, exploring, learning, growing and searching for possibilities to connect the dots. ― Duncan Muguku

Knowing that you have faced obstacles in the past and have emerged victorious will give you the confidence to persevere and keep trying. ― Duncan Muguku

Helping others is a powerful drug; it’s all about putting yourself in other people’s shoes, empathizing with them and stretching out your hand to lift someone up. ― Duncan Muguku

Everyone has a unique and positive quality about them when we take time to listen to and understand others. ― Duncan Muguku

Maintaining a positive attitude is continuous work. Just keep working on it one day at a time. Keep planting positive seeds in your mind and uprooting the negativity weeds. ― Duncan Muguku

The more you focus on your self-doubts the larger they appear to be; seemingly transforming from snowflakes to an avalanche. ― Duncan Muguku

People respond to you based on how you see yourself, treat yourself and carry yourself. Carry yourself with grace as someone worthy and deserving of respect. ― Duncan Muguku

Self-doubt is that inner voice that kills dreams before they are born, that tells you why your plans will not work. ― Duncan Muguku

Develop mental umbrellas to shield yourself from the flood of self-doubt before it capsizes you over and drowns you. ― Duncan Muguku

Strive to make a difference in your own way. You can inspire yourself, you can inspire others. You can encourage yourself, you can encourage others. ― Duncan Muguku

Don’t live in the past. Don’t let your past hold you back from moving forward. Break through the past. ― Duncan Muguku